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Expert Female & Male SexDoll Advice For You
We’re proud to bring your the latest news and reviews of the world’s best and most popular female and male sexdolls for straight men and women, gay men and women, and everyone else. This is site is designed for doll lovers from the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and beyond. If you live in Britain, get some useful buying tips on our SexDolls UK page. We cover everything from huge breast sexdolls to sexdoll torsos.
Dolls for ladies and gentlemen – from the world’s workshop
Most sexdoll websites take orders from Western buyers, then order the doll from a factory in China and ask for it to be sent to the buyer’s address (i.e. your address). These are almost always high quality sexdolls – even if they are cheaper priced. Dispatching a sub-par doll often results in negative reviews on sites like TrustPilot, or even in-depth criticisms on forums sites.
Payment options
Learn about the different ways you can pay for your sexdoll – including credit lines from Klarna and Paypal CREDIT.
Alibaba delivery problems
A common problem is buying sexdolls from Chinese websites like Alibaba. These outfits rarely speak English very well, and often screw up the paperwork. When I ran my own sexdoll retail website, I once ordered a doll from Alibaba for a customer in Canada. The doll arrived in Canada, but customs officials would not release the doll for delivery because the paperwork was incomplete and the duty was not paid. It should be noted however that many good factories have accounts with Alibaba. Sadly, however, some accounts sell counterfeit dolls.
How can I be sure I’ll get my sexdoll?
Thankfully, there are a number of sexdoll retailers who have a lot of experience in ensuring dolls pass through customs unhindered. They understand the various pitfalls and ensure any additional duty does not fall on the customers. Often, they mark the doll as a ‘Gift’ which can eliminate or reduce the import duty.
Pre-paid import Duty
A good sexdoll company will tell you that the import duty is included in the price – or that they will pay it (which is basically the same thing).
Other SexDoll Pitfalls
Some countries do not permit sexdolls or indeed any type of sex toy into their country. This is ostensibly for religious reasons, but one suspects they don’t like the idea of their womenfolk using dildos (especially in India).
Countries that have banned sex toys:
Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emirates
And the US state of Alabama should get a mention too. They are not permitted for sale. If you live here you can simply have your doll sent to a FedEx or UPS depot in a neighboring state.
What sexdoll retailer do you recommend?
I currently work with Silicone Lovers (links to their retail site) and SexyRealSexDolls (get discount codes here) because they both have a very good reputation for getting dolls through customs. They also only stock dolls from the original manufacturers – they don’t send out fakes, which is unfortunately sometimes a problem. They have good relationships with the various factories in China, and list a very large range of dolls – both silicone and TPE – on their site.
Made in Korea?
I also currently work with Silidoll – a Korean manufacturer that is well-known for its soft, realistic sexdolls for men and women. This site is actually the manufacturer’s site – so when you buy from them you aren’t dealing with a middleman. The main parts of the dolls are made in Korea. US customers buy dolls which are assembled in the USA, but which are made from parts molded in Korea. I think there is some tax advantage to doing this, or maybe US buyers prefer to buy US-made products (even though they are nominally US-made).
If you follow any of the links on this page to the above sites and make a purchase, I get a small commission – so many thanks if you do!
Are there any US-based doll makers?
There are a few, such as Private Island Beauties and RealDoll. They are well-reviewed but cost a lot more than Chinese dolls. On top of this, the US-based firms specialize mostly in Caucasian girls (and they do so very well), while Chinese firms are more adept at making Asian girls. Also, US firms tend to work in silicone (another reason for the high cost), while Chinese companies use cheaper TPE ( a type of plastic).
How to make sure my neighbours don’t find out
Some doll buyers – especially newbies – are keen that their neighbors do not discover they have bought a sexdoll. This is understandable. Most retailers will, however, let you pick the package up from the depot, so you can at least control the timing of arrival. Most firms will also not make direct reference to the doll on the packaging, so you won’t get any knowing winks from the delivery guys.
What about my credit card statement – will it show up?
Most firms have somewhat outrageous trading names, but their actual company is called something far more innocuous (e.g., ‘ABC Trading Limited’) – and this is the name that would appear on your statement. However, you’ll need to ask the retail company for specifics.
I’m worried I won’t get my doll
Buying a doll is a big purchase, so it’s understandable you are concerned it won’t arrive, or won’t be as good as you hoped (in rare cases it might not be a solid love doll but a blow-up one). However, picking a reputable retailer is key. The global shipping system is very reliable, and unless you pick a dodgy retailer, you will get your doll. Learn more about common guarantees, warranties and shipping policies.
How long will it take to arrive?
Most retailers say it will take three or four weeks. This is a case of under-promise and over-deliver, because most dolls arrive in about two weeks. It also gives them some leeway if the doll gets stuck in customs, or some other problem arises.
The following content used to be on this homepage. It’s a bit salesy, but have a read anyway!
Your personal sexdoll goddess
Just imagine it. Your own personal silicone sexdoll concubine, ready to obey your every command. Your ideal girl, with the kind of face your adore, the shade of skin that makes your heart race, and the sort of eyes that make you ache with desire.
And then there are those full, swinging breasts; the kind of ass that gave you wet dreams years ago; legs and feet so perfect you could cream yourself but glance at them. And all dressed up the way you like, ready to be unwrapped, slowly.
This sex goddess is all yours…
Or at least she will be soon.
Approved SexDoll Retailers
Here at WhichSexDoll.com we’re passionate about helping men and women find the TPE or silicone sexdoll that is perfect for them. To help, we manage a list of Approved sexdoll retailers, most of which offer worldwide delivery – so you can get your doll fix whether you live in India, the USA, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia – or Timbuktu!
How Much for a Silicone SexDoll?
Despite huge advances in manufacturing processes, love dolls are not cheap. You can buy a beautiful doll for $1,000-$1,600, although some high-end Japanese sexdolls are priced in the region of $12,000. After such a big investment you don’t want to be disappointed. You need your ‘sex dolla’ to go as far as possible. There are various ways to ensure you get the doll you want. Take the time to explore the many types of doll available, and read plenty of reviews. It’s also a good idea to talk to people who have bought love dolls before.
Best & Most Realistic SexDolls
The realism of modern, first class sexdolls is a key reason for their popularity. Gone are the days of blow-up dolls, so ridiculous in appearance that even the horniest teenage boy would struggle to find them erotic. Today, male and female dolls for sex offer a startling level of realism. Visually, skin tone and texture is very close to the real thing. But they also feel like a real woman (check out the Zelex 170 for example), especially when used in conjunction with sexdoll heating devices. Alone in the half-light with your silicone doll, the experience can be astonishingly real. At Which Sex Doll, we’re on a quest to find the best, the most realistic high end sexdolls.
We look at the full gamut of love dolls, ranging from the popular and affordable Chinese-made WM Dolls 164cm doll and WM Dolls 140cm Angel Doll, to the now-famous Ryan Davis Jasmine doll, to ultra high-end dolls from Japan.
Sex Mannequins of the Future
If you have the money, today’s high end love dolls are really quite amazing. But the future holds even more exciting developments. Los Angeles-based Real Doll, for example (already selling dolls worldwide from India to Indiana), is working on artificial intelligence dolls – hooking up computer systems with motors. These AI sex mannequins still have a long way to go, but it’s easy to imagine that in 10 to 15 years there will be some men who never leave the house because of these dolls!
In the meantime, there is plenty of fun to be had, whether you’re into more affordable (because they use less silicone/TPE) mini sexdolls such as the Riley love doll, or full-size fat/pregnant beauties – or even celebrity sexdolls.
While in general celebrity sexdolls are not permitted – simply because stars in question do not give their consent – there are a number of dolls available that resemble various stars. Among these are the Angelina Jolie sexdoll (one of the more convincing examples), together with the dolls based on Mylie Cyrus, Taylor Swift along with Gal Gadot and others.
Multicultural sexdolls
It’s worth noting that there are an increasing number of silicone and TPE sexdolls based on different races, from gorgeous Latino models to fantastically exciting black sexdolls, manufactured by top brands such as WM Dolls and Z-Onedoll. Here, we’ll cover them all – just for you.