Buy Celebrity Sex Dolls 2024
Sex dolls based on famous actresses and singers are – understandably – in high demand. Here you’ll find some of the most convincing celeb love dolls on the market – ready to buy today!
Sought-after celeb sex doll actresses and singers include Ariana Grande, Gal Gadot, Taylor Swift, Gwyneth Paltrow, Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez, Emma Watson, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, Lana Wolf, and Megan Fox. Porn stars are also a firm favorite.
Take a look at these dolls resembling stars from the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and elsewhere.

Custom-Made Celebrity Sex Dolls USA
Have something specific in mind? It’s possible to have your love doll made to the exact specifications you desire. The ability to personalize your doll has added a whole new level of excitement and realism for doll lovers.
Buyers in the United States have access to a wide choice of vendors, based in the US, UK, mainland Europe, Japan and China – the vast majority of whom allow you to customize your doll. Be aware that some sites aimed at US buyers are actually based in China.
More About Singer & Actress Sex Dolls…
The most recognizable celebrity sex dolls resemble specific roles played by certain actresses, such as Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot – see below), and Harley Quinn (portrayed by Margot Robbie – see below). Then of course there’s Jessica Rabbit (played by herself – see below).
Other sex dolls appear to have been inspired by other famous girls – such as Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift – both of which you can view by scrolling down. if you’re looking for regular female sex dolls check out our homepage.
Where Can I Buy Celebrity Lookalike Sex Dolls?
A number of sex doll websites sell celebrity inspired lookalike dolls, mostly based in the USA, UK and mainland Europe. They won’t explicitly state the doll is based on a particular person for legal reasons (‘abstract sex dolls’ are the norm, rather than ‘portrait sex dolls’ – a subject discussed in this US government paper). You can find a selection of the best celeb lookalike dolls below.
Seen the famous, best-selling JASMINE (SHAKIRA) porn star sex doll yet? Check her out – click here!
While there are many benefits to being famous, there are also some drawbacks. Notable among these is a loss of privacy, as evidenced by the flocks of paparazzi who lie in wait for celebrities to accidentally expose a nipple, a patch of pubic hair – or simply pop out to buy a pint of milk.
Click on the image to see more photos of this Nicki Minaj sex doll.
Indeed, with video recording capabilities on pretty much everyone’s camera, every tit, crack and vag slip gets recorded and uploaded to the net for the posterity of masturbators everywhere. And let’s not forget about Fapgate – that unfortunate incident where Apple’s servers were hacked and a lot of famous people became inadvertent pornstars – their nudie pics becoming public domain. Jennifer Lawrence and Rhianna may be a little more careful about where they store their homemade erotica from now on.
Custom-Made Celebrity Sex Dolls in 2023?
But there’s something else they may have to contend with in the not-too-distant future: sex dolls made in their likeness. That’s right, the most realistic celebrity sex dolls are coming. In fact they may have already arrived for some ‘fans’, but the world of dollmakers seem reluctant to open that can of legal worms – at least for the moment.
For some time, the closest you could get to a celeb or porn star love doll was probably a Miley Cyrus or Sarah Palin blow-up doll. But it is entirely possible to make a sex doll in someone’s likeness. The boffins over at Real Doll in LA often get requests to make dolls look like deceased partners – which they are happy to do (as long as the deceased’s trust signs it off) – but they draw the line at celebrities. As they historically stated on their website:
“We cannot legally do a likeness doll in an exact likeness of any person, celebrity or otherwise, without their explicit consent.”
If you did want a real-looking celebrity love doll, your best bet might be somewhere other than the rather litigious USA. There are plenty of Chinese firms that might consider it, for the right price,* as our article on stunning ARIANA GRANDE lookalikes shows…
*Not that we’re recommending it.
Actress Selena Gomez style sex doll? Check out MORE PHOTOS!
Definitely not a Gal Gadot sex doll. View photos or buy her now!
Most requested celebrity sex dolls?
According to this Mirror report (via the Sun), the most sought after sex doll look-a-like is Maralyn Monroe (source). However, people search for many other celebs, including Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift.
Does she remind you of Taylor Swift? View more PHOTOS!
Will official celebrity sex dolls ever be a reality?
Like so many things, it’s possible. At present, only porn stars have been willing to have sex toys made in their likeness – or the likeness of their vaginas.
Here are some of the best-known porn stars from the United States who’ve given the green light for a sex doll to be based on them:
- Jessica Drake
- Asa Akira
- Alektra
- Kaylani Lei
- Samantha Saint
- Tasha Reign
- Stormy Daniels
- Romi Chase
- Lupe Fuentes
But as time moves on, perhaps attitudes will change among film stars. One of the benefits, arguably, is that a star like, say, Gal Gadot, who won 2019’s Maxim sexiest woman (source), could have a love doll made in her likeness, and forever capture her beauty at its peak. After all, good looks eventually go the way of the do-do, so why not preserve your good looks forever? Here at WhichSexDoll we think it’s a sterling idea. But then we would say that.
Is a sex doll worth the money? Read our article!
Harnessing new technology for ever more realistic celeb sex dolls
The frustrating thing about not being allowed to make celebrity sex dolls is that it can be done – and done so well, as our HUGE article about the most hyper-realistic sex dolls on the planet shows! And as time moves on, the ability to make sex dolls accurately in the likeness of real people will only get better. I mean, take a look at the wax works of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (source) – they’re fantastic. Imagine a sex doll version of Prince Harry Meghan Markle! Soon, Chinese manufacturers like WM Dolls will be able to make dolls in any likeness they wish – but might not for legal reasons.
Getting a look alike sex doll through customs
Even if some rogue Chinese dollmaker decided to engage in a little intellectual property theft (source) and make a doll version of Taylor Swift, Gal Gadot (or Meghan Markle!), imagine what a customs officer would say when confronted with such a product. They might let Swift or Gadot through – but not a member of the Royal Family. That said, the way sex dolls are packaged makes it hard to discern the likeness: heads are usually removed and don’t sport a wig. A bald, hairless Gadot sheathed in bubblewrap would be tricky to identify.
But I really want a celebrity sex doll: What can I do?
There are actually a few options. For example, the amazing Wonder Woman is – arguably – pretty similar to everyone’s favorite Israeli actress. Or, you could simply buy a love doll that matches the height and build of your favourite, then put on a video of said person, while making love to them doggy style!
DS Sex Dolls: Capacity for ‘200 Custom Sex Dolls Per Month’
One Chinese sex robot manufacturer, DS Sex Dolls, receives numerous requests for celebrity, actress and porn star sex dolls each month. DS says they are asked around four times per month to create a celeb love doll.
The marketing manager of DS – who only goes by the name of Sam – told the Daily Star Online (source): “We get at least four enquiries per week.”
“Usually it is ‘their ultimate’ desirable person, and no, not just female.”
Sam said that for legal reasons they cannot produce an exact likeness of a requested public figure. However, they can get pretty close.
DS Dolls can “generally match the customer up with a good likeness of the person they are looking to replicate”, according to Sam.
DS Dolls is based in Dailan, on the coast of China’s southern Liaoning Province. But it is represented in the UK by Cloud Climax, who say they are the ‘flagship reseller’ of DS Robotic Technology in the UK and EU (‘coming soon’).
See more beautiful dolls on:

Most searched-for celebrity sex doll?
Below is a list of the most searched-for celebrity lookalike sex dolls, based on data from SEMRush. June 2022.
Rank | Celebrity/Singer/Actress | Monthly searches (USA) |
1 | Nicki Minaj sex doll | 260 |
2 | Kim Kardashian sex doll | 210 |
3 | Taylor Swift sex doll | 90 |
4 | Gal Gadot sex doll | 50 |
5 | Megan Fox sex doll | 50 |
6 | Ariana Grande sex doll | 40 |
7 | Selena Gomez sex doll | 30 |
8 | Margot Robbie sex doll | 10 |
9 | Jennifer Lopez sex doll | 10 |
Justin Bieber Sex Doll Fail
Canadian pop maestro? We think not
Even if a company purports to make sex dolls in a particular likeness, they are not always successful. The Daily Star Online reported on this male sex doll made to look like Justin Bieber (source). However, while the doll certainly looks pretty good, we think it looks more like a Russian oligarch’s son than everyone’s favourite Canadian pop maestro. What do you think?
Sex Doll Celebrities with Robotic Faces
Of course, the basic ‘static’ sex doll head could one day itself be obsolete, whether or not celebs allow dolls to be made in their likeness. ExDoll are working on dolls with robotic faces, and while they look like a heavy drinker looking for their morning fix, it’s easy to see that this technology will soon become very impressive indeed. What we currently think of as a high end sex doll could get much more so.
How Sex Dolls and DeepFake Porn Could Merge
BBC Three recently reported on the phenomenon of ‘deepfakes’ (source), whereby celebrity’s faces are transposed onto porn clips by way of advanced “AI face-swap technology”. The legal ramifications of this are vast, yet the technology required to make it happen is now widely available. Websites such as showcase some of the more convincing examples. The Ariana Grande clip (link) shows what is possible, although the chosen body doesn’t quite match up.
Ariana Grande-style sex dolls
Take a look at these FANTASTICALLY convincing Ariana Grande style sex dolls. Do you think they look like Ariana?
But how might deepfake tech and sex dolls work together? One possibility is to use VR technology and the sex doll together. This would involve a person wearing a VR headset which displays a close up of the person’s face. They would simultaneously have sex with a doll and – possibly – have an experience similar to the real thing. The VR software would have to know how to match the face video with where the doll is, but it is very possible.
Kim Kardashian Sex Doll Lookalike
The curvy lines of American celeb Kim Kardashian have raised temperatures worldwide. Now you too can feel the wonder of those thick, juicy buttocks and those fabulous breasts, with this new doll from Irontech. Coming in at 156cm, this doll is almost exactly the same height as the lady herself. It’s also made of lifelike TPE material, which is arguably more realistic for ‘fleshier’ dolls than silicone.
See more photos at Silicone Lovers!
In the meantime
The closest we can get to buying a sex doll that looks like our favorite celebrity, singer or actress is to order a doll with a face as similar as possible to the real person. The Gal Gadot doll above shows it can deliver a pretty close match.
Read about rent-to-own sex dolls – and finance options for your next love doll.
Looking for queer-style sex dolls? Check out our Gay Sex Dolls page!
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