It used to be the case that love dolls had more in common with a surprised looking cartoon character than a real woman. But the modern world, as usual, has come up trumps again, having created a whole range of sex dolls that look like humans.

One day, maybe
Of course, these sex doll, for reasons of litigiousness, cannot look exactly like specific humans. You can’t have a doll that looks like Jennifer Lawrence, for example. Which is a bit of a shame, because it would make a lot of men (and some women) very happy indeed.
Who wants to be a sex mannequin? I do!
But you can have sex dolls which look kind of like a specific person. If you get the permission, of course, you can order a doll in the likeness of an actual person. But let’s face it, not many people want their visage turned into a sex mannequin, do they?
And the truth it, while it is possible to make a sex doll that looks realistic, making a doll take on the characteristics of an individual is tough. Even those folks at Madam Tussauds in London have a tricky time making those celebrities look like who they’re meant to look like – if that makes sense? So imagine how much you would have to pay a firm to make you a doll that looked really like Jen Lawrence…
Sex dolls that look like humans will be here one day – there’s no doubt about it. A raft of Chinese firms already exist who are likely to have no qualms about doing it – the only question is – can they do the job properly? I personally have never seen a sex doll that looks like an actual person – not yet. If we could get the guys at Tussauds to team up with 4Woods, be could well be on to a winner – don’t you think?
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